London Social Prescribing Network

It’s free to become a member of the London Social Prescribing Network, which provides access to great networking and learning opportunities.

Use the resources here to discover more about social prescribing near you and across London.

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Social Prescribing FAQs Social Prescribing Resources Social Prescribing Latest News

About the Network

London Plus believes in the importance of supporting civil society and tackling health inequalities, this includes the delivery of social prescribing activities. Please see our diagram which helps explain what social prescribing is.

We have joined forces with the GLA (Greater London Authority) and set up a Social Prescribing Network to strengthen the role of the VCSE (Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise) sector who are delivering these activities across London. See our diagram that illustrates the Network’s pan-London partnerships.

Join our Network
Meet Stephanie

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Stephanie McKinley

Social Prescribing Network Manager

Read more

By joining our Network, you’ll gain connections, knowledge, improvement, influence and community in the social prescribing sector.

The Network does this in a number of ways e.g. webinars, collecting case studies, blogging, as well as encouraging our members to share best practice and materials with one another.

We hope this is a place that our members will find useful as well as shape what is needed by the voluntary and community sector. The Network consists of voluntary sector organisations, social prescribing link workers, commissioners, public health leads and local authorities.

By joining our Network, you’ll gain connections, knowledge, improvement, influence and community in the social prescribing sector.

The Network does this in a number of ways e.g. webinars, collecting case studies, blogging, as well as encouraging our members to share best practice and materials with one another.

We hope this is a place that our members will find useful as well as shape what is needed by the voluntary and community sector. The Network consists of voluntary sector organisations, social prescribing link workers, commissioners, public health leads and local authorities.




Explore the London Social Prescribing Network

Our resources page is always expanding, and contains blogs, case studies, and useful documents. Some are created by London Plus, and others are from other sources. Click the button below to find more information on social prescribing.

The Three Components: The Social Prescriber, Social Prescribing and Social Prescription Activity.

Our Social Prescribing Approach diagram is created especially for the voluntary sector, to help you understand what is involved when you hear the term ‘Social Prescribing’.

It breaks down the three key components, from the role of the Social Prescriber to Social Prescribing and Social Prescription.

Social Prescribing FAQs

We describe social prescribing as an approach, but it is used interchangeably by many organisations to describe a service, an activity or a whole process itself.

Generally, it involves three elements:

The social prescriber (sometimes known as a link worker, or community connector);

Social prescribing (the conversation that the link worker has with someone about what matters to them outside of health e.g. housing, education, financial concerns etc. that affect their health and wellbeing);

A social prescription (the activity/service that may be recommended to support the health and wellbeing of someone).

You can see what this looks like in practice here. Additionally, the National Academy for Social Prescribing (NASP) has released a useful spoken word film that explains what social prescribing is.

There are different ways to access social prescribing. Normally access starts with a GP who may feel that you might benefit from this approach to support your health and wellbeing.

They will then refer you to someone called a link worker or community connector who will have a chat with you about other things as well as your health which might be concerning you. They will use this knowledge to help you to access things in the community that you might find of benefit and tailored to your needs, i.e. a social prescription.

A social prescribing service aims to address the social factors affecting health & wellbeing. This is by connecting local residents to non-medical support within a borough, usually through a local GP surgery.

There is at least one social prescribing service in every borough in London. For services across London see Transformation Partners in Health and Care’s social prescribing map displaying services across London.

Contact your local social prescribing service to let them know you are looking for referrals. There is one in every borough. They may require evidence of how effective it is and how useful people have found it, so make sure you have this information to hand when you talk about your work.

Link workers (sometimes called community connectors or social prescribers) are based in a social prescribing service and give people time; focusing on ‘what matters to me’. They take a holistic approach to people’s health & wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support. Link workers can be accessed via a GP recommendation or other health care professional.

Commissioners differ from each other in what they are looking for, but some of the common things they require are:

  • A track record of already delivering the activity,
  • The impact of how you’ve made a difference e.g. case studies are always very powerful ways to demonstrate this,
  • The cost of your activity.

Currently, there is no funding specifically earmarked for social prescribing activities. However, many organisations find funding through their local authority and other funding organisations, e.g. London Funders or you could try your local integrated care partnership board (ICP) or find out what their Joint Forward Plan (JFP) priorities are.

To start, we suggest that you search for funding related to tackling health inequalities, Core 20+5, or anything earmarked for improving health and wellbeing, or population health outcomes.

Some social prescribing services may ask for different things, but the below list will normally be what they would be expecting to see if you are a constituted organisation.

  • Governing Document, sometimes known as your constitution or Memorandum & Articles
  • Annual Accounts
  • Your certificate of Public Liability Insurance
  • Safeguarding training records or DBS check invoices
  • A Health & Safety Risk Assessment for your activity
  • Equality & Diversity commitment– acceptable evidence might be one of the following:
    • A story about how you have made sure your services and activities are fair and welcoming
    • Marketing materials recognising diversity
    • Translation services offered
    • Data Protection – your Privacy Statement

If you aren’t a constituted organisation, link workers may still refer to you if they know about you e.g. a knit and natter group. But they will talk to you about they would need to see to enable those referrals to happen.

In general, there is usually at least one social prescribing service operating in every London borough. Sometimes they are run by a voluntary sector organisation, council, or a group of surgeries as part of a primary care network (PCN). Learn more about what a PCN is here.
You can find out who is running your particular one in your borough by accessing the Transformation Partners in Health and Care map.

Sometimes, but it depends on the type of support you think you might need or has been identified for you. Some organisations do not need a community connector/health professional referral, but others require it for funding or monitoring purposes.

Most boroughs in London have a directory of services usually run by the local council of voluntary services (CVS). If you visit their website you can find out about local activities which may have the social prescribing element attached to them.

Each borough also has a social prescribing service in it that you can contact. They should be able to point you in the right direction of what social prescribing activities might be near you. The prescribing social website (NHS) also has a list of activities in your area.

Although social prescribing can involve signposting people to services in the community, it is more than that.

It involves an individual talking to a community or health care professional or someone tasked with looking at the whole person as an individual. This person helps them to access ‘what matters to them’ to support their health & wellbeing.

Some services being developed are aimed at Children and Young People in London. You can find out more about the Social Prescribing Youth Network and join for free to keep updated with the latest research, resources, events, and training.

This is your network

Are there any questions missing from the above that you would like answers to? Do you have any social prescribing resources or case studies that you would like to share? Please email with your suggestions.

Social Prescribing Resource Document

View our extensive, up-to-date resource document to help you and your practice, including explaining what social prescribing is, useful reports, research and voluntary sector organisations you can refer people to.

Open Document

VCSE Alliance Peer Network

London Plus hosts the VCSE Alliance Peer Network, a safe space to connect, discuss and learn from each other. The Network meets quarterly. 

By connecting, members are able to share information, experience and updates. Learning from one another ensures we are not working in a silo, but instead connecting in a meaningful way so efforts are not duplicated.

A VCSE Alliance lead is a new role with a big remit. By creating a forum for people to connect with their peers, we can achieve more together and influence the health system more widely.

Get in touch

To find out more about the VCSE Alliance Peer Network, please contact Stephanie at London Plus.

Email Stephanie

Social Prescribing Meet the Network

This video is a recording of our Social Prescribing Network meeting, which was held on 23 January 2025.

The London Social Prescribing Network hosts regular ‘Meet the Network’ meetings. The event is participant-led, and members help shape the agenda and themes for our future networking sessions. This can range from topics like dementia, to the cost-of-living crisis.

Register for the next meeting

Our next London Social Prescribing Meet the Network meeting will take place on Thursday 27th March 2025, 11:00am – 12:00pm.

London Plus is excited to hold this free online networking event exclusively for London Social Prescribing Network members!

Register today

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