Social Prescribing: The Mayor’s Draft Vision for London

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City Hall hosted a consultation event in January for voluntary and community sector organisations about the Mayor’s draft vision for social prescribing.

Delegates offered views on what kind of support the voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) needed (from the Mayor, Healthy London Partnership/NHS and other key stakeholders/partners), to play a full role in delivering social prescribing in London.

The consultation is still open and the Healthy Communities team at the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Healthy London Partnership are keen for VCSE organisations to feed in views.

The draft vision can be accessed via the GLA’s website.

Please send written responses to by close of play on 28 February 2019.

You can also engage in the debate about social prescribing through Talk London.

The Healthy London Partnership (HLP) has developed a social prescribing wiki and is also interested to hear about any case studies you would like to share.

You can download a copy of the slide deck presentation from the event by clicking the image below. Presentation from the social prescribing consultation held at City Hall