Events & training – London Social Prescribing Network newsletter [May 2024]

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Events & training

Community Connectors

The National Academy for Social Prescribing held a webinar called ‘Who are the Connectors in your Community?’ The recording, slides and a link to the toolkit can be found here.

Digital Divide 

The London Health Inequalities & Community Development Network are hosting an event. You can come together to network, share insights, learning, and practical examples of work in community development with a focus on Digital Inclusion.
Friday 14 June

Community Remedies

This event explores the question ‘What should the pharmacy of the future look like?’ It will focus on envisioning new possibilities for healthy, inclusive, and people-centred community pharmacies.
Thursday 6 June, 6pm

London Multiply Roadshow

The London Multiply Roadshow gives Londoners a chance to build their confidence with numbers in a fun and engaging way. The Greater London Authority are looking to work with community organisations to amplify, join, and host roadshow events.

Digital Health London

This social enterprise initiative is open to individuals who have an idea in the digital health and social care space. DigitalHealth.London are delivering a free webinar to support people in better understanding the steps to success.