Developing Creative Health Impact Tools

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Across London, arts, cultural and VCSE organisations are delivering activities that have a huge impact on people’s health, supporting people who experience health inequalities, and improving the lives of many across the city every day. We are excited to announce a new project at London Plus which supports the arts, cultural, and Voluntary Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sectors to identify and communicate the impact of creative health activities. Phase 1 of the project involved desktop research by Civil Society Consulting. We are now in phase 2, engaging with stakeholders, which is being led by creative health consultant Jane Willis. The project is funded by Greater London Authority. This pilot project brings together arts and VCSE organisations in South East London with health partners from the South East London NHS Integrated Care System (ICS). Together, they are developing a framework and tools to help identify and communicate the impact of creative activities on people’s health and wellbeing, particularly those people experiencing health inequalities.
“Arts and VCSE organisations in London are leading the way in engaging communities in co-creating innovative health interventions that tackle inequalities. Yet so often, they struggle to articulate the value that they add to communities’ health and wellbeing and as a result are unable to access statutory funding. This project brings together the arts and VCSE sectors and NHS health partners to co-create something to help bridge that gap.” – Stephanie McKinley, London Plus
In December 2023, The National Centre for Creative Health (NCCH) and the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Arts, Health and Wellbeing (APPG AHW) launched the Creative Health Review. This report highlights the potential for creative health to tackle health inequalities, showing the positive health outcomes people experience when engaging with arts organisations. Our new project brings together arts, cultural and community organisations with NHS decision makers to co-design tools that will help them clearly describe the impact and value of their work. We hope this will mean that in the future more arts and VCSE organisations will be able to access statutory funding from the NHS to continue and expand their activities that benefit local communities’ health and wellbeing.

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