Resources – London Social Prescribing Network newsletter [April 2024]

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Virtual Village Hall

Virtual Village Hall is a free online activity hub designed to help people stay mentally, physically, and socially active. It offers 12-15 live activity sessions every week via Facebook, YouTube, and X, and an archive of 2000 sessions to view on demand, updated regularly.

Population health management

Social prescribing can be an effective part of population health management. Read the National Academy for Social Prescribing guides for Integrated Care Systems and Primary Care Networks.

Patient Voices

Transformation Partners in Health and Care have released a series of videos from their Patient Voices programme. Participants share what social prescribing means to them and give insight into their journey with social prescribing.

Faith & suicide prevention

Faith Action have launched Talking Faith in Suicide Prevention. It is developed in collaboration with representatives from six faith traditions, as well as front-line workers and people with lived experience. It aims to upskill and empower front-line workers to engage in conversations around suicide prevention.

Islam & mental health

Good Thinking have produced a wellbeing page for Islam. It has links to guides, workbooks and other resources.

Mental health awareness week

Mental health awareness week is approaching. The theme this year is ‘moving more for our mental health’. You can find more information here.

Learning disability network

A code has been rolled out into clinical systems called ‘adult not brought to appointment‘ for adults who could not attend because they did not have the capacity or capability to attend.

Music Can

Music Can is an online platform that connects people living with dementia and their carers to musical activities and support.