Social prescribing resources – July

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Every month, we compile a list of resources for people working in social prescribing. See below for our July list!

This is part of our monthly social prescribing newsletter. You can get it (and much more) by signing up to the London Social Prescribing Network.

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Your MP

This map shows the MP for each area of London – a useful resource if you wish to lobby your MP locally around health.

MP information

Pro Bono Economics has done background research of all 650 MPs. They have made the information available online, broken down by topic (including health).

Government & charities

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) share their analysis of what the new government means for charities and community groups.

Primary care services

Primary care services are the front door of the NHS. This article by The Kings Fund provides an overview of primary care services in 2024.

NHS Forest

NHS Forest help plant thousands of trees at NHS sites to improve people’s health and boost biodiversity. The next planting season begins in autumn, express your interest now.

Health & care passports update

The NHS health and care passport guidance for people with learning disabilities or autism has been published. This supports patients to think about what they want health and care staff to know about them.

Health & community activation

This qualification has been created to address government priorities around health improvement. The qualification is for people who wish to become community activators.

Engagement co-production guide

This guide, produced by local people in the community, aims to foster better health and care service design, development, and delivery across South East London. It might also be helpful for other Integrated Care Systems.

Earning trust

This report looks at how leaders can create health systems that are equitable, trustworthy, and better suited to people from under-represented groups.

Tackling inactivity

The ‘millions more moving‘ report explores how to tackle inactivity by supporting people with long-term conditions to move more.

Mental health & volunteering

This new report from Volunteer Centre Greenwich looks at what stops people with lived experience of mental health from volunteering. It gives practical advice on how to resolve this issue.