On Wednesday 6th December we held the LCEP December 2023 quarterly meeting – our last network call of the year. A big thank you to everyone who participated in the call, it was great to see representatives from not only charities and community groups but also faith, statutory and public sectors. With over 41 partners in attendance, the call focused on emergency preparedness, community safety initiatives, and the impact of global events on Londoners.
I started in my role in March of this year, and as the Partnership Manager for the London Communities Emergencies Partnership (LCEP) I have spent much of the year making connections and building relationships with our partners as well as helping them to connect with each other. It was great to see these relationships develop further during our call, with great discussions, information sharing and presentations from the London Boroughs Faith Network, Tower Hamlets Local Authority, Homeless Link, and the Met Police.
If you were unable to attend the meeting, take a look below at the presentations and resources shared throughout the meeting. We look forward to connecting with more of you next year, and if there is anything which you would find useful for us to cover in our future meetings, please do let us know!
Emily Coatham,
LCEP Partnership Manager.
Steve Miller – London Boroughs Faith Network
Steve talks about how the situation in Israel/Gaza has significant impacts on London communities. This is something that holds true for many major global events. The voluntary and resilience sectors therefore must address these local impacts.
- Supporting mental health needs of those impacted by conflict in Israel and Palestine
- Trauma informed practice training
- Steve Miller Transcript
Callum Campbell – London Borough of Tower Hamlets
Callum previously conducted an Emergency Centre exercise in Tower Hamlets. It tested the inclusivity and accessibility of the emergency response. See the video to find out what they learned.
Chris Dutton – Homeless Link
Chris talks about the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP), which provides assistance to homeless individuals in extreme weather. Such assistance includes temporary accommodation. He stresses that collaboration is crucial for SWEP to be effectively implemented, and highlights the importance of finding long-term accommodation for those assisted by SWEP.
Other Business
Emily Coatham – London Communities Emergencies Partnership
Emily talked about the recent Winter Preparedness Workshop, which focused on preparing for the challenges of winter. There were presentations from major organisations, such as the Met Office, Environment Agency, the Greater London Authority, and more.
Laura May – London Plus
Laura discussed the idea of creating videos to clarify and demystify the concept of community resilience. She invited collaboration and participation from LCEP members.
- Contact laura@londonplus.org to get involved or find out more information
The Felix Project
Partners were asked to register with The Felix Project to receive food to distribute throughout London (December 23-24).
Thank you for taking a look at the LCEP December 2023 quarterly meeting highlights, we hope you found this information useful.
Want to know more?
- Introduction to LCEP
- Follow London Plus for LCEP updates: