Covid-19 and the provision of Free School Meals (FSM): Resources

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Below are a list of resources and available intelligence regarding the impact of Covid-19 on the provision of FSM, which have been collated by the London Plus team. For any enquiries, please contact us 020 7125 0151 or email


Scroll to the bottom of this page to download our FSM database including the contact details (telephone number and email address) of schools within the five boroughs who have the most children receiving FSM.

Government Intelligence and Resources

 Other intelligence

Other Resources

Cooking on a bootstrap

Cooking on a bootstrap” by Jack Monroe. A former foodbank user and single mum, Jack Monroe is an activist, award winning author and celebrity chef. Jack specialises in creating cheap and nutritious recipes with non-perishable goods. The website is free for all to use and features a large collection of recipes suitable for children including vegetarian and vegan dishes. During the lockdown, Jack has also been active on twitter and is taking live as many recipe queries as they can. You can tweet them using the hashtag #JackMonroesLockdownLarder.

Other London Plus resources

Visit our general Covid-19 resource page with a wide range of resources to help your charity through the COVID-19 pandemic.

We also have a Covid-19 data resources page (vulnerable groups, demographic, social inequalities).