Sarah Mulley Joins London Plus as New Chair

London Plus is delighted to welcome Sarah Mulley as the new Chair of its Board of trustees. Sarah took on the role at a recent Board meeting after a successful open recruitment process led by Thewlis Graham Associates.

Sarah brings rich, in-depth experience and knowledge of London’s public and voluntary and community sectors, including having worked at the GLA for six years, most recently as Executive Director for Communities & Skills. She also brings many years’ experience being a trustee, including on the Board of London Funders. These previous roles mean she has a strong understanding of the work of London Plus.

On accepting the appointment, Sarah commented:

“I’m really looking forward to working with the team at London Plus as well as my fellow trustees on the Board. I have seen first-hand the crucial role that London Plus plays, and it is now more important than ever in supporting London’s charities and community groups.”

Chief Executive of London Plus, Martin Brookes, added:

“Sarah joining London Plus continues our evolution as a charity. We are building on the work we began during the pandemic and continuing to develop as a charity serving charities and community groups across all of London. Sarah is a great Chair to help us achieve more progress. I look forward to working with her. I would also like to thank Dominic Pinkney for ably leading the recruitment process and chairing the Board during this period.”


London Plus supports and champions charities and community groups in London. It does this through networks, data, communications, and connections across the capital. We aim to be the “go-to” partner in connecting London’s charities, communities, policymakers, funders, and businesses. For more information about London Plus, head to the about us page on our website.