Community Resilience Fund Updates

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London Plus are really pleased to be working with the Greater London Authority to deliver the Community Resilience Fund. This fund aims to better prepare communities for emergencies by enabling the participation of voluntary organisations in emergency planning. It therefore helps organisations work with local authorities and Borough Resilience Forums to:

  • Create or improve partnerships between community groups, the local authority, and other statutory partners.
  • Increase community preparedness through new or improved planning.  
  • Strengthen community resilience practice through creating or improving communications channels, use of data and insight, and/or use of exercising scenarios.

The local community and voluntary sector is vital in supporting Londoners through emergencies. This fund acknowledges this and is therefore an attempt to improve sector participation.

The allocation of this fund is now complete and the successful candidates have created their project ideas. You can read about these amazing projects below!

Please keep an eye out in the coming months to see updates from the projects and the announcement of round two of this funding later in the year.

Barnet: Barnet Community Resilience Project (Community Barnet)

We will use our community partnerships and connections, in-depth working knowledge and relationships with statutory services, and first providers to improve engagement and preparedness. We will also engage with seldom-heard communities and improve knowledge of the impact of emergencies on them. Finally, we will co-deliver dedicated support and activities. This will include the following; – Representation at and participation in planning and capability events; champions and volunteers; accessible information distribution. This will subsequently lead to a new co-produced Community Resilience Plan.

Camden: Camden VCSE Sector Community Resilience (Voluntary Action Camden)

Through the Fund we are seeking to achieve the following (in no particular order):

  • Firstly, review of learning from recent emergency responses (e.g. flooding, Afghan, Ukraine, Covid) in terms of council/ VCS mobilisation and response.
  • Secondly, develop a response framework- a visual tool about who to contact in an emergency and roles and responsibilities within the VCS and council.
  • Thirdly, shared data collection/ intelligence across the sector including, who is doing what/ collection analysis of issues on the ground/ feedback loop to emergency response to aid ongoing planning.

Croydon: Reflect, Review and Realise (Croydon Voluntary Action)

Working with Croydon’s six Local Community Partnerships on crisis response. Learning from the pandemic and other local fires and civil unrest incidents, we’ll collectively consider: what did we do? What did we learn? Building our strengths planning in partnership: what can we implement for the future? What can we deliver in partnership? We will create an accessible repository of information and guides on ‘what to do in the event of…’.

Enfield: Voluntary and Community Response Project (Enfield Voluntary Action)

Enfield Voluntary Action (EVA) wants to use lessons learnt from the covid pandemic, particularly how plans are beneficial, but communication channels are essential to successful responses and recovery from emergencies. Strong networks have emerged since covid and the Successful Enfield Stands Together response, which will enable EVA to utilise our many VCS contacts and networks, Volunteer Centre and trusted relationships with key stakeholders for a shared strategy to an emergency.

Greenwich: Working Together, Building Community Resilience in Royal Greenwich (Volunteer Centre Greenwich)

A project that supports the partnership between Royal Greenwich and the voluntary, community and faith sector in Greenwich. The project will provide a cohesive approach to emergency planning, which will therefore ensure greater understanding and utilisation of the resources available, prompt mobilisation and greater community resilience.

Haringey: What If? A VCS Guide to Emergency Planning, Response & Recovery (Bridge Renewal Trust)

What If? is an online resource co-designed between the Bridge Renewal Trust, VCS Groups, and the Emergency Planning team at Haringey Council. It will help Haringey’s voluntary sector prepare, respond, and recover effectively from emergencies in the borough by providing relevant information and guidance. We will launch What If? in summer 2023, providing a valuable resource to Haringey’s VCS.

Havering: Building, Strengthening Community Resilience and Response (Havering Volunteer Centre)

HVC will strengthen relationships between the VCFS and Statutory agencies, ensuring that there are improved channels of communication in place. By channelling past learning and sharing this intelligence with sector partners, it will increase the rate of response, up time and delivery, ensuring that the smoothest approach is taken from the outset. By increasing community preparedness, HVC will develop a strong, thriving, resilient community that is connected, prepared, and stronger.

Islington: Strengthening Community Resilience in Islington (Voluntary Action Islington)

Here at Voluntary Action Islington we will empower individuals and local communities to use local resources and knowledge to help themselves, and therefore their communities, in an emergency. We will build resilience by making them aware of risks that are impacting, or might impact on the community. Therefore, we will plan and prepare for them to help minimise impact and disruption. We will also develop a shared purpose to encourage individuals and communities to come together to help themselves and each other.

Kingston: VCSE Resilience Forum (Kingston Voluntary Action)

To establish a local VCSE Resilience Forum (linked to the Borough Resilience Forum) in order to build the capacity of voluntary and community organisations who support residents and communities in Kingston to develop their resilience and support roles in advance of, during and after emergency incidents.

Lewisham: Resilient Together: Connecting Lewisham Council with Voluntary and Community groups and Volunteers (Lewisham Local)

Lewisham Local will coordinate and co-design a new emergency response process with the council and voluntary organisations, drawing on each stakeholder’s unique strengths. Together we will build the foundation of an engaged network of individuals and voluntary and statutory organisations. The network will be better connected and prepared. It will also more clearly understand the roles, systems and communication networks when there is an emergency. They will be connected through a database and Community Directory in order to streamline and speed communication.

Sutton: Community Volunteer Emergency Squad (Volunteer Centre Sutton)

We will work in partnership with the local authority, voluntary sector, and local residents. We aim to develop a Community Volunteer emergency plan. With the mapping of services, training, and a communication plan, we will recruit, train and equip local residents into key voluntary roles. These residents will work with partnership professionals and local services. Our aim is to create a cohesive and responsive support programme with capacity to meet the needs of a local emergency.