Volunteering Summit 2021: Register your Free Space Now

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The GLA, London Plus and the London Boroughs Faiths Network invite you to attend the pan-London Volunteering Summit.

Please reserve 14 January for a pan-London volunteering summit. This summit, which will be held between 1.30pm and 3.30pm, aims to bring together a wide constituency of stakeholders representing different boroughs in London as well as regional bodies across civil society and government. As a result, we hope this will allow us to address ways to support volunteering and volunteers in the capital.

London has started 2021 in Lockdown, there are demands from the mobilisation to deliver a mass vaccination programme as this gathers pace; large numbers of people facing possible redundancy as the furlough scheme comes to an end; and the exacerbation in food poverty caused by Brexit.

London volunteering has never been more important
A volunteer hands out food parcels in Croydon.

We all want to ensure that volunteering infrastructure across the city is ready to tackle these challenges. Organisations overcame enormous demand during 2020. Consequently, many of us have entered the new year with busy workloads.

The summit will host discussions about the issues faced by organisations and aim to foster regional cooperation as well as develop solutions at a sub-regional level, perhaps down to individual boroughs. We hope that this event will result in practical help and solutions that make things easier. Together, we can collectively navigate this period successfully and put the city on the best footing possible.

To read more information and to register your free place, please head to the GLA website.

We look forward to seeing you.