At London Plus, we run networks to connect London infrastructure organisations. This includes our Volunteer Centre Network and our Councils for Voluntary Services Network.
The organisations who make up these networks have far-reaching impact in our communities in London. Below you will find an infographic exploring their combined impact.
Local infrastructure impact infographic by SuperhighwaysLocal Infrastructure Impact Report (2022/23)
Take a look at the latest impact report from the London CVS Network, which highlights the vital role of local infrastructure in connecting, supporting, promoting and representing London’s voluntary and community sector.
Final Impact of Infrastructure Report 2023 by SuperhighwaysVolunteering Infrastructure Impact Report (2022/23)
Take a look at the first ever impact report from the London Volunteer Centre Network, which gives an overview of the impact and role of local volunteering infrastructure in London in 2022-23.
Volunteering Infrastructure Impact Report 2023 by Superhighways