Every month, we compile a list of funding and research for people working in social prescribing. See below for our February list!
This is part of our monthly social prescribing newsletter. You can get it (and much more) by signing up to the London Social Prescribing Network.
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Public gardens
Metropolitan Public Gardens Association are offering awards of up to £1,500 for community garden projects.
Deadline: 28 February
Nourish fund
Compost London’s Nourish Fund makes funding of up to £2,000 to enable small or newly set-up organisations to access their paid-for services that they may not otherwise be able to afford.
The Prudence Trust
The Prudence Trust have an open funding opportunity to support data collection and use in the youth mental health sector.
The opportunity is open to UK registered charities or CICs, with an annual income of at least £250,000. Eligible organisations will offer at least one direct mental health intervention and already collect data on mental health or wellbeing.
Expressions of Interest to be submitted online. Please see here for further information.
Deadline: Monday 3 March at 4pm
Hedley Foundation
Awards up to £5,000 are available to charities with an income below £1 million for projects that improve quality of life for people with disabilities, older people, the terminally ill, carers, homeless people or ex-offenders. Apply here.
Deadline: Tuesday 4 March
Global Dialogue – Shaping the future
Shaping the future is a fund to Support Leadership in the Migration Sector. This fund has been co-created with sector experts to address the growing need for leadership capacity and capability in the refugee and migration sector. It provides resources for individuals, organisations, and networks to foster holistic, sustainable leadership development.
Organisations: Grants of £10,000 – £60,000 to strengthen leadership within organisations.
Collaborative partnerships: Grants of £60,000- £100,000 to support collaborative initiatives that foster leadership across networks
Deadline: Wednesday 12 March 2025
Grants for Good Fund
The Matthew Good Foundation supports small charities, not-for-profit groups and social entrepreneurs who are passionate about making a difference to people, their community or the environment. Find out more here.
Deadline: Saturday 15 March 2025
Imperial Community Impact Fund
The Imperial Community Impact Fund is an initiative designed to support local community groups and charities committed to making a positive difference.
With an annual fund of £10,000, this grant scheme offers between £500 to £1,000 per project to inspire and empower local organisations working in the areas of the environment, sustainability, creativity, and local problem solving.
The fund is open for submissions twice a year, in January and July with the next round opening on Thursday 30 January 2025. The application deadline is Thurs 20 March 2025.
Deadline: Thursday 20 March 2025
Hackney Giving
Match My Project is an initiative that connects local businesses to provide resources for community organisations that need them. Find out more.
Deadline: ongoing
National Academy for Social Prescribing consultation
The National Academy for Social Prescribing is hosting its first national consultation to gather views and experiences of Social Prescribing Link Workers. You don’t have to be NHS-based, and can be from the local authority, secondary care or leads/managers with a caseload. All responses are anonymous and will be shared with an external evaluator. Results of the survey will be shared in April 2025 via the NASP website.
The survey closes at 5pm on Wednesday 5th March 2025 and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. For any questions regarding the survey, please contact workforce@nasp.info.
Research participants AND Social Prescriber wanted for University of Westminster research study
You are invited to take part in a study by the University of Westminster that aims to co-create resources to support social prescribers to deliver care for ethnic minority patients with Long COVID. This phase of the study explores the perspectives and experiences of delivering Long COVID-related care and support and working with ethnic minority populations among healthcare providers and non-medical support providers. It will inform the designing of the resources or interventions.
To take part in this study, you must be over 18, UK based, either have experience working with people living with Long COVID or with ethnic minority populations.
They also plan to actively involve patients and the public through a series of Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) activities. The study is also seeking a social prescriber for the PPI panel who has worked with Long COVID patients or people of an ethnic minority.
If you would like to register your interest for either opportunity, or you have any questions, please email: Y.Lotankar@westminster.ac.uk.
Memory tests for African Caribbean backgrounds
University College London is conducting research to make memory tests used in health settings fair for everyone, especially for people from African and Caribbean backgrounds. They are looking for African or Caribbean people who are aged 40-80 years old and who spent at least their first 10 years in an African or Caribbean cultural environment, to help with this research. Contact ucjumg5@ucl.ac.uk.
Alzheimer’s Research UK
Only 65% of people with dementia symptoms receive a diagnosis, often after a lengthy wait. Share your experiences of getting/receiving a dementia diagnosis to identify how to make the experience better.
Migrant Londoner communities
The London Resilience Unit, Carlson Consulting and Action for Refugees in Lewisham (AFRIL) invite you to complete this survey as part of the Community Resilience Migrant Londoners Research & Engagement Project. The survey aims to help them understand the role of organisations in supporting the resilience of migrant Londoner communities and their engagement with formal resilience structures for London.
Hearing tests
In response to hearing health inequalities, the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) is working to understand public awareness about their online hearing test among people from Black African, Black Caribbean and South Asian groups. If you are interested, or know someone who will be, please email rahma@racefound.org.uk.