London Plus News
We googled “Levelling Up” so you didn’t have to…
The Government has released their Levelling Up white paper. In this blog, we outline a summary of the paper and initial responses from voluntary and public sector organisations. There are also useful articles and documents linked throughout the blog.
Reimagining Social Prescribing: Roundtable Discussions with The Ubele Initiative – Part 1
In collaboration with The Ubele Initiative and NASP, we’ve been running a series of roundtables to explore what social prescribing looks like in Black and Minoritised communities. Read the first out of three blogs sharing insight from our discussions.
Our Job Board – List your vacancies for free!
We’ve launched our job board exclusively for our network members looking to promote their opportunities for free. If you are a member and would like to list job opportunities on our website, please email us.
Sector News
Looking for Volunteers: Moonwalk London
Moonwalk London for breast cancer charity Walk the Walk is taking place on Saturday 14th & 15th of May 2022. Volunteers are needed to help walkers back to Clapham Common. Sign up or email Moonwalk with any queries.
Race Equality Week
This week, from 7-13th February, is Race Equality Week, an annual UK-wide movement trying to address the barriers to race equality in the workplace. This year’s theme is #ActionNotJustWords. See how you can get involved here.
LGBT History Month
It’s LGBT History Month!
2022 is the 50th anniversary of the first Pride March in the UK. This year’s theme is art, with five artists chosen who express their political views and/or their orientation through their work.
Free sexual orientation & gender identity training
28th February, 17:30 – 20:30
METRO Charity offers free training for organisations on sexual orientation and gender identity with a specific focus on awareness and inclusion. See their list of events across London LGBT History month.
Galop: National Conversion Therapy Helpline
Run by LGBT+ anti-abuse charity Galop, The National Conversion Therapy Helpline is open 10:00-16:00, Monday to Friday on 0800 130 3335, or email them for more information.
Opening Doors London
Opening Doors offer activities, events, info & support services to over 50s who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, queer, non-binary or gender-fluid
Events & Training
Civil Society Roots Launch
This Civil Society Roots 3 programme aims to strengthen support for communities impacted by structural inequalities. The launch event is hosted by London Deputy Mayor of Communities & Social Justice Debbie Weekes-Bernard.
Bayo: Fundraising Workshops
21st, 24th February, 10:30 – 11:30
Register for Bayo’s fundraising workshops designed to support Black-led collectives, initiatives and community-run services to support mental health & wellbeing.
Lewisham Local: Borough of Culture 2022
Lewisham Local are recruiting as many local people as possible to volunteer in Lewisham as the London Borough of Culture 2022, with many events taking place throughout the year.
Wheelchair Skills College
The Wheelchair Skills College offers group training sessions to build confidence and independence. Email them for more information about setting up a session and other enquiries.
Communicating Climate Change
Looking to widen the impact of your organisation’s communications on climate change? The Media Trust is inviting climate & environmental charities to join their Communicating Climate six-month programme from March.
City Bridge Trust Workshops
City Bridge Trust is offering free webinars and workshops to address a range of organisational development opportunities, including: ‘Perfecting Your Pitch’, ‘Social Impact Measurement for Beginners’ and more.
Live Through This: Provider Back
Live Through This has released a booklet [PDF] to improve awareness of LGBTIQ+ issues in cancer and how we as individuals and organisations can work together to address the barriers to equitable care.
How charities can work effectively with schools?
Charity Digital’s blog considers the issues charities face when working with schools, from safeguarding to proving the impact of their work.
Time to Talk 2022
February 3rd was Time to Talk Day 2022, run by Mind and Rethink Mental Illness in England. They have provided helpful tips to make sure you’re approaching talking about mental health in a helpful way.
Raising awareness with real stories
Charity Comms blog explores the power of real stories for a successful charity advertising campaign, highlighting Brain Tumour Research’s campaign in 2021.

The Building Stronger Communities FundBuilding Stronger Communities Fund is now open for London‘s voluntary and community organisations that support communities impacted by Covid-19. Deadline: 14th February.
TheMajonzi Fund Grant Application
Monetary grants of £500 are available for commemorating the lives people lost in a meaningful way; from a memorial service to commissioning a work of art for the community.
Deadline: 28th February.
Let’s Create Jubilee Fund
The Arts Council England Let’s Create Jubilee Fund will support voluntary and community groups to develop creative and cultural activities as part of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June 2022.
Deadline: 28th February.
Champions for Children
If you’re running a project working with vulnerable children and young people in London, you can apply for Champions for Children 2022 by The Childhood Trust.
Deadline: 4th March.
Youth Investment Fund Phase 1small-scale capital projects around youth provision, open to the London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets and Barking and Dagenham.
Deadline: 31st March.
John Coates Charitable Trust
The Trust is offering financial assistance to UK charities that work in: education, the arts, healthcare, heritage & the environment, and societal & community cohesion.
Deadline: 27th May.
LGBT+ Futures Equity Fund
Small grants of up to £25,000 are available from this participative fund for LGBT+ groups and organisations who are community-led for organisational running costs, projects and organisational / leadership development.
Rolling deadline.
The Arnold Clark Community Fund
Up to £1,000 is available for charities & community groups whose work falls into the following categories: food banks, toy banks, housing and accommodation, and poverty relief.
Rolling Deadline.
City Bridge Trust Transition Funding
The programme can provide funding for eligible organisations for up to two years. The maximum grant is £50,000 per annum.
No deadline.
Levelling Up White Paper
Read the Levelling Up White Paper outlining how the Government aims to will spread opportunity more equally across the UK, including 12 missions that build on the 2021 Spending Review.
Families in Temporary Accommodation in London
Human Rights Watch & The Childhood Trust have published a report on families in temporary accommodation in London which highlights the government’s duty to ensure the right to adequate housing for homeless families.
The Plan for a Decent Social Security System
The Commission on Social Security has published their Plan for a Decent Social Security System, funded by Trust for London and developed by people with experience of accessing benefits.
London Travellers: Anti-racist representationMedia That Moves is a report on anti-racist representations of Travellers in the UK media by Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange, London Gypsies and Travellers, and Public Interest Research Centre.