Grenfell Tower Inquiry

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In 2017, the Grenfell Tower fire took the lives of 72 people. Today marks an important milestone for all those affected by the tragedy, as seven years on the Grenfell Tower Inquiry publishes its Phase 2 Report.

The wait for clarity and justice has been unbearable for those affected by the fire.

The Inquiry report sheds light on what happened and identifies those responsible for a litany of failings. Its Chair, Sir Martin Moore-Bick, said all 72 deaths in the Grenfell fire were “avoidable” and people living there were “badly failed” by those responsible for their safety and that of the tower.

In her response to the report the leader of the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea has said that “It is crystal clear – profits were put before people, clear warning signs were ignored, and Grenfell was wholly avoidable, with failure at every single level.”

Some of the most powerful passages in the report commend the way in which individuals, community groups and charities came together to offer support for those affected in the hours and days following the fire. This deep compassion, care and willingness to work together inspires our work at London Plus, which exists to help community groups and charities make London cohesive and resilient so we can all flourish.

As we reflect further on the findings and recommendations of today’s report, London Plus will work with our partners at VCSEP through the London Communities Emergency Partnership to make sure future emergency responses fully take on board the voice, perspectives, needs and strengths of London’s diverse communities.

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