Building the system in Enfield – Enfield Voluntary Action

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Building the system in Enfield

About Enfield Voluntary Action

Enfield Voluntary Action (EVA) is a voluntary sector infrastructure organisation in North Central London. It is also an employer for Social Prescribing Link Workers. EVA’s offer as an employer, on behalf of their local Primary Care Networks, goes significantly beyond a staff management role.

Social Prescribing Link Workers 

The Social Prescribing Link Workers have access to voluntary sector knowledge and networks. Their organisation develops social prescribing and engages with local health service systems, with experience. Accordingly, they work collaboratively with the EVA team to build the system.

The link worker-employer role is integrated with the development and capacity building functions of the organisation. Therefore, where there are synergies with social prescribing, resources and funding levered for other programmes benefits the whole system.

The link workers work closely with EVA staff. They are building a directory of opportunities for social prescription and applying ‘light-touch’ quality assurance. Subsequently, they can respond and fill any identified gaps in the provision. In this case, they are using allocated resources and lottery funds for capacity building and system change.


If you would like to read more on this topic, our case study with the Bromley by Bow Centre explores how social prescribing can connect health with social welfare advice.

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