The making of a CVS film…

 profile image

The London CVS Network had identified the need for clear messaging about voluntary sector infrastructure in London. So that they could effectively promote the work of local CVSs as well as creating awareness of their pan-London collaboration.

London Plus, through discussion with network members, agreed that creating a film would be an interesting way to communicate what a CVS does. Whilst also highlighting the collective impact of a regional CVS Network working to support London’s charity and voluntary sector. We agreed the video needed to be short, informative and suitable for social media marketing and web content.

Why do we need it?


  • Infrastructure for the charity and voluntary sector is undervalued. Partly because as a sector we aren’t very good at communicating outwards about what we do and the impact that it has for London.
  • The CVS Network is not well known outside of the voluntary sector in London. A better online profile would help the network in campaigning for the voluntary sector across London.

Funding Cuts

  • London’s infrastructure charities are being hit hard by local authority budget cuts. Therefore it is increasingly vital for CVSs to make sure their impact is understood by local government and potential funders.


  • London faces a series of particularly demanding economic challenges over the coming decade. Such as raising productivity, providing affordable housing, addressing inequality between places and creating a modern infrastructure. Not to mention, that whilst the UK is adapting to withdrawal from the European Union the scale of these challenges will only be intensified.
  • With uncertainty about the future, there is a need for significant infrastructure investment. Especially with a focus on how infrastructure connects and supports their communities. They do not only support the mechanics of the place such as transport and housing.

Our Partnership with the London College of Communication:

  • London Plus looked at developing a partnership project with an art college in London, as a way working with emerging creatives and accessing new talent to create an innovative film for the Network.
  • We approached the London College of Communication and worked with their partnership office, to develop a project timetable, refine a brief for the film and recruit students to apply for the opportunity.
  • The CVS Network was able to meet the students that applied and talk to them about their work. The Network members voted and took decided to go with Olly Corps. Olly is a BA Graphic and Media Design student, who was just completing a Diploma in Professional Studies (DPS). A DPS is an optional year-long experiential learning opportunity. This allows students to undertake a variety of internships and professional experiences for a whole academic year in Year three, as part of a four-year degree.
  • London Plus managed the CVS film project with the support of a working group from the Network.


London Plus

Our goal is to ensure that funders and decision makers understand the importance of local infrastructure. Along with the support it gives to thousands of smaller charities across the capital.

CVS Network

The CVS Network now have a film that they can use individually and collectively to promote their work and use it as a tool to raise awareness of the support and advocacy initiatives taking place around the Capital.


First of all, Olly was able to develop his working experience by taking on a non-commercial project. Furthermore, this project enabled him to broaden his experience of working directly with the voluntary sector.