Every month we compile a list of useful resources for charities and community groups. Take a look at our list for October.
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Everyone’s environment
The Everyone’s Environment Pathway is a guide on how charities can help mitigate the impact of climate change, nature loss, and their effects on communities.
Faith Action survey
In the lead-up to the general election, Faith Action released surveys to find out what their members would like a new government to focus on. You can now read the results of the surveys, giving insight into the priority areas for the faith sector.
Thriving places
The 2024 Thriving Places Index provides insight into how well different areas are doing in creating conditions for everyone to thrive, including topics like equality and sustainability.
Charity links
Link UP London has compiled an extensive list of links to organisations that provide support to local charities and community groups.
Charity finance
Iplicit have a collection of free charity finance resources designed to help you improve your finance function.
Race & health
The Institute of Health Equity has released a report on the topic of Structural Racism, Ethnicity and Health Inequalities in London. You can also attend their event on the topic on 21 October.
Getting on Board
Sadly, Getting on Board, the trustee support charity, has announced its closure. You can read their statement here.