Resources for charities and community groups – December 24

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Every month we compile a list of useful resources for charities and community groups. Take a look at our list for December.

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Forces for Good

Through a series of essays, Charity Reform Group’s ‘Forces for Good‘ report makes the case for a fundamental shift in what charities are seen to be for and what they contribute to society. It outlines a vision for a new partnership between charities, government, and businesses.

Charity banking

Get tailored guidance from UK Finance on banking for charities, big and small.

Climate in London

This is an impact report on the London Councils Climate Programme, which seeks to tackle climate change in London.

Mental health

The festive season can be a difficult time for many Londoners, so Good Thinking have produced a ‘12 ways to good mental wellbeing‘ resource to help Londoners who may be feeling anxious, stressed or lonely during the festive season.

Legal aid

There has been an increase in civil legal aid funding for people who face unfair eviction or being pushed into homelessness, among other things, for the first time in nearly 30 years.

Social welfare advice

Social welfare advice services offer support on a range of financial, social and legal issues. London Funders has mapped the funding landscape of social welfare advice in London, take a look!

Resilient communities

This report by the London Resilience Unit explores whether, and how, social cohesion initiatives delivered by community and faith organisations contribute to societal preparedness and resilience to shocks and crises. 

Racism against Muslim communities

After the summer riots this year, it seems that racism against Muslim communities in the UK is intensifying. This report from Runnymede discusses this growing problem.

Diversity for boards

Association of Chairs have released a new guide called ‘It starts from the top‘, giving reflections and recommendations on equity, diversity and inclusion for charity chairs and boards.

Race Equity

The Race Equity Maturity Index (REMI) is a new tool developed by the London Anti-Racism Collaboration for Health (LARCH), allowing organisations to track, measure and enhance their anti-racist activities using an evidence-based approach.