Volunteer Centres (VCs)

Volunteer Centres (VCs) and Councils for Voluntary Services (CVSs) are the two main types of infrastructure support organisations that exist to support volunteering and local frontline voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in London.

So, take a look at the map below to discover volunteering opportunities near you and across the rest of London. These centres do a fantastic job of connecting people looking for volunteer work with organisations that need the help.

Our Network

The map contains the locations of all the Volunteer Centres and CVSs across the city, as well as some other infrastructure organisations.

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Meet the London Plus team

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Hannah Norgate

Networks Manager

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What is a Volunteer Centre?

Volunteer Centres (VCs) are the ‘go to’ places for volunteering locally. In London, they are borough-based and usually work with local people and organisations. In most, but not all boroughs, the Volunteer Centre is a part of the local CVS but retains a separate focus for volunteering.

Volunteer Centre Impact Report

Take a look at the London Volunteer Centre Network’s impact report, which gives an overview of the impact and role of Volunteer Centres (VCs) and borough based volunteering infrastructure in London in 2022-23.

Read the Report

London Plus facilitates the pan-London Volunteer Centre Network, chaired by Dominic Pinkney (Volunteer Centres Camden and Hammersmith & Fulham) and Karen Chillman (Croydon Voluntary Action). The network meets quarterly. This provides a forum for collaboration, peer support and the sharing of insights.

What does a Volunteer Centre do?

  • Offers a brokerage service, i.e., matching volunteers to local organisations.
  • Offers additional specific services, e.g., supporting volunteers with disabilities, corporate volunteering or, as seen recently in the vaccine rollout, mass volunteering.
  • Provides information and advice for volunteers and prospective volunteers, but also volunteer-involving organisations.
  • Supports the local voluntary and community response to emergencies.
  • Raises the profile of volunteering locally, increasing awareness amongst the general public, and, significantly, policymakers and funders.
  • Provides strategic leadership on issues related to volunteering.
  • Represents and advocates significantly for volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations.
  • Provides local insights and amplifies the voice of communities, volunteers, but also, volunteer-involving organisations.
  • Each borough’s Centre will have a service unique to that organisation, in response to local partnerships and residents.

Map of Volunteer Centres