London Plus jargon buster


The voluntary sector can be confusing at times, especially when it comes to terminology and jargon. Even if you’ve been in the sector for years, you are bound to come across new terms or acronyms that you have never heard before. 

We are here to help. This jargon buster is designed specifically for the voluntary sector in London, as well as the sectors we work with.

While jargon is sometimes unavoidable, London Plus strives to stay away from jargon as much as possible. We want make this sector as inclusive as possible, and unfamiliar terminology can often shut people out.

It can also be a hinderance in cross-sector work. Some terminology / acronyms can mean different things in different sectors, and even in different areas of the voluntary sector! It’s always preferable to use Plain English.

London Plus has some specific areas of focus, like health or emergencies, so we’ve included terminology for those areas. While we want this jargon buster to be as thorough as possible, there are always new pieces of jargon to learn. If you come across something that could be added here, feel free to let us know at

How to use this jargon buster

To use our jargon buster, simply click on a drop down menu. There you will find a list of jargon and abbreviations for that topic. You can switch between jargon and abbreviations using the buttons at the top of each section.



Counts the population of the nation, recording demographic information.

Charities and Community Groups

This is the term that London Plus uses to refer to the voluntary sector / charity sector.

Charity Commission

The government body that regulates charities in the UK.

Charity Incorporated Organisation

A charity whose trustees have limited or no liability. 

Civil Society

This is another term for the voluntary sector, third sector, charity sector, etc. It is often used interchangeably with these other terms.

Company Limited by Guarantee

A company structure commonly used by not-for-profit organisations, where the company is legally separate from its owners.

Community Interest Company

A private company that exists to benefit the community, not its shareholders.

Cold space

A place to go in hot weather in order to keep cool.

Cost of living crisis

A crisis caused by rapidly rising costs of things like food, water, energy, and so on.

Councils for Voluntary Services

A charitable organisation that supports charities and community groups. Also an example of an Infrastructure Organisation (see ‘infrastructure’).

Charity sector

This is another term for the voluntary sector, civil society, etc. It is often used interchangeably with these other terms.

Digital inclusion

Including individuals in digital services and technologies that would otherwise be excluded.

Digital exclusion

The accidental or intentional ostracism of individuals from digital services and technologies, either from lack of knowledge or support.

Food bank

An initiative that gives food provisions to those that need them.

Fuel poverty

The condition by which a household is unable to heat (or cool) their homes.

Gift Aid

A scheme available to charities where they can get extra donations from HMRC.

Good practice

An example of good and appropriate work or service provision.


A voluntary sector organisation that exists to support the work of other charities.

Match Funding

Matching the quantity of donations given by the public.


A group of individuals or organisations gathered for a specific purpose (in this case, generally related to the voluntary sector).

Third Sector

This is another term for the voluntary sector, civil society, charity sector, etc. It is often used interchangeably with these other terms.

Volunteer Centre

A voluntary sector organisation that exists to support volunteering and charities in their local area.

Warm space

A place to go in cold weather in order to keep warm, also known as Warm Hubs or Warm Banks.


Charity Incorporated Organisation


Councils for Voluntary Services


Frequently Asked Questions


Gross Domestic Product


Greater London Authority


His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs


London Engagement Collaborative


Local Infrastructure Organisation


London Plus


London Volunteering Strategy Group


National Council for Voluntary Organisations


Severe Weather Emergency Protocol


Voluntary, Community and Faith Social Enterprise


Voluntary and Community Sector


Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise


Volunteer Centre


Volunteer Involving Organisation


Third Sector Together


Anonymised Data

Data that has been processed so that no one can identify the individuals it came from, either directly or indirectly. Personal details are permanently removed, making it difficult to trace the data back to anyone.


A situation where researchers do not know the identity of individuals taking part in research.


A place or collection containing records, documents, or other materials for long-term preservation.

Artificial Intelligence

IBM defines AI as ‘technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities’.

Case study

A qualitative research method that relies on the collection and presentation of in-depth data or information about a particular individual or small group in a real-world context, often including the accounts of the particular individual or small group themselves.


Where parts of qualitative data are labelled and organised to identify different themes and the relationships between them.


The researcher’s agreement with participants (i.e. through participants’ informed consent), about how their identifiable private information will be handled, managed, and shared.


Facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

Data sharing

The process of making data resources available to others.

Data visualisation

Data presented visually using graphics such as charts, graphs, infographics, maps, and animation.


A collection of data.


The process of cross-referencing a pseudonymised dataset with other data sources to determine the identity of an individual to whom the data belongs to.

De-identified data

Data where personal details have been removed or hidden to make it harder to identify the individuals it came from. There is still a small chance that the data could be linked back to the individuals if additional data is available (de-anonymisation).

Descriptive statistics

A set of methods used to summarise and describe the main features of a dataset including distribution, measures of central tendency, and measures of variability.


If features of a dataset alone or in combination with other datasets in the public domain could be used to identify the person to whom a record belongs, even after obvious identifiers have been removed, then the data is potentially disclosive.


Refers to the number of times a data point occurs, or how many times it does not occur.


The extent to which the findings of a study can be applied to other situations.

Informed consent

A principle of research ethics that allows participants to take part in research voluntarily with full information about what it means for them to take part, and that they give consent before they enter the research.


The average score within a distribution.


The centre score in a distribution.

Mixed methods

A research design that combines qualitative and quantitative research methods in a single study.


The most frequent score in a distribution.

Monitoring Evaluation and Learning

A system that helps organisations assess and improve their projects and programs.

Open data

Data that can be freely used, re-used, and re-distributed by anyone.

Qualitative data

Descriptive information that represents concepts and information that cannot be represented by numbers.

Quantitative data

Information that can be represented numerically.


The process of strengthening research by using multiple methods, usually combining qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis.


A dataset as it is at a particular point in time.


Artificial Intelligence


Monitoring Evaluation and Learning



Discrimination against individuals or groups due to their age.

Cultural racism

Discrimination of groups due to cultural differences.


A fear or hatred of people from the LGBTQ+ community.


Discrimination against a person or group due to the colour of their skin.


A fear or hatred of people perceived as foreign. Could be based on race, culture, religion, and so on.


An unfair distribution of wealth or opportunities. 

Minoritised Communities

Communities who are determined to be in the minority by larger, more dominant groups.


After Action Review

A review of a situation (emergencies in this case) that helps organisations learn from it.

Sit rep

Situation Report – a way to keep relevant parties up to date on an emergency situation.

London Communities Emergencies Partnership

The London Communities Emergencies Partnership (LCEP) supports charities and community groups before, during and after an emergency.

Resilience Forum

A partnership of organisations that produce planning for, try to reduce, or identify risks of emergencies.


The ability to prepare for, withstand, and recover from various disruptions and emergencies. This involves having the necessary capabilities, plans, and tools to effectively manage and mitigate risks, ensuring that essential services and functions can continue or be quickly restored.

Strategic Coordination Group

A group that creates strategy for emergency situations.

Tactical Coordination Group

A multi-agency group responsible for managing the tactical response to an emergency. It is typically composed of senior operational officers from emergency services and other relevant agencies who work together to ensure effective coordination and implementation of the tactical plan.

London Boroughs Faiths Network

London Boroughs Faiths Network is an informal network of practitioners.  It brings together people from religious and intercultural groups who are improving their neighbourhood or borough. 

Tactical Focus

Coordinating resources and actions to implement strategic plans.

Operational Focus

Executing response efforts during an emergency.


After Action Review


British Red Cross


Borough Resilience Forum


Emergencies Partnership / Voluntary and Community Sector Emergencies Partnership


Evacuation and Shelter Steering Group


Humanitarian Assistance Steering Group


London Ambulance Service


London Boroughs Faiths Network


London Communities Emergencies Partnership


London Fire Brigade


Local Lead (London Plus and Community Barnet)


London Search and Rescue


London Resilience Communication Group


Local Resilience Forum


London Resilience Forum (This is the same as the abbreviation for Local Resilience Forums, please be clear which one you mean).


Mass Fatalities Coordinating Group


Metropolitan Police Service


Recovery Coordinating Group


Regional Engagement Manager


Strategic Coordination Group


St Johns Ambulance


Search and Rescue


Tactical Coordination Group


Blue Social Prescribing

Social prescribing activities that involve water.

Core 20PLUS5 / Core 20 + 5

A term the NHS use to define health inequalities. Refers to the most 20% deprived in an area, PLUS = Inclusion groups together with 5 conditions.

Green Social Prescribing

Social prescribing activities that involve nature and green spaces.

London Social Prescribing Network

The social prescribing network that London Plus facilitates, designed specifically for social prescribing activity providers.


Clinical Commissioning Group


Children and Young People


Joint Strategic Needs Assessments


Primary Care Network


Integrated Care Board


Integrated Care System


National Academy for Social Prescribing


National Health Service


Social Prescribing


Transformation Partners in Health and Care



Refers to the acknowledgement and acceptance of the differences between people, as well as the recognition that different opportunities and resources are needed to address inequality.


When everyone has the same access to opportunities and resources.

Global Majority

A term used to describe people who are not white.


Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic


Black and Minority Ethnic


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer