Councils for Voluntary Services

Councils for Voluntary Services (CVSs) and Volunteer Centres (VCs) are the two main types of infrastructure support organisations that exist to support frontline voluntary, community and social enterprise sectors in London.

Our Network

The map contains the locations of all the CVSs and Volunteer Centres across the city, as well as some other infrastructure organisations.

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Meet Hannah

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Hannah Norgate

Networks Manager

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Defining Councils for Voluntary Services (CVSs)

What is a CVS?

A CVS is an organisation that supports and brings together local charities and community groups. In London CVSs are borough-based, operating in 29 of the 33 London boroughs. Many (but not all) incorporate a local volunteer centre. Check out the short video above to find out more.

CVS Impact Report

Take a look at the London CVS Network’s latest impact report, which highlights the vital role of local infrastructure in connecting, supporting, promoting and representing London’s voluntary and community sector.

Read the Report

London CVS Network

London Plus facilitates the pan-London CVS Directors’ Network, co-chaired by Anood Al-Samerai (Community Southwark) and Joy-Caron Canter (One Newham). The network meets quarterly. This provides a forum for collaboration, peer support and the sharing of insights.

What does a CVS do?

  • Links local voluntary, community, and faith organisations with public and private sector organisations.
  • Brings together local charities and community groups through networks and forums, subsequently encouraging collaboration.
  • Shares information, advice, and funding opportunities.
  • Offers training and development support for community organisations.
  • Supports the local voluntary and community sector response to major incidents, or specifically, in times of crisis.
  • Some CVSs support local residents and communities, i.e., through training, events and other services.
  • Some also deliver social prescribing services.
  • Raises the profile of local voluntary, community, and faith organisations. Accordingly, this increases awareness amongst the general public, policymakers and funders.
  • Represents and advocates significantly for the local voluntary sector.
  • Provides local insights and further amplifies the voice of communities.
  • Facilitates collective action to address issues specifically affecting the local community.

Map of CVSs

VCSE Alliance Peer Network

London Plus hosts the VCSE Alliance Peer Network, a safe space to connect, discuss and learn from each other. The Network meets quarterly. 

By connecting, members are able to share information, experience and updates. Learning from one another ensures we are not working in a silo, but instead connecting in a meaningful way so efforts are not duplicated.

A VCSE Alliance lead is a new role with a big remit. By creating a forum for people to connect with their peers, we can achieve more together and influence the health system more widely.

Get in touch

To find out more about the VCSE Alliance Peer Network, please contact Hannah at London Plus.

Email Hannah