Civil Society Covenant: The London CVS Network Response

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The government recently launched its consultation around a Civil Society Covenant to help reset its relationship with the voluntary and community sector.

In response to the consultation, London Plus has been working with the London CVS Network to collate insights and views, in order to produce a joint response.

The response has been submitted to The National Council for Voluntary OrganisationsAssociation of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations and Department for Culture, Media & Sport. We also offered to support and facilitate further dialogue with the London CVS Network as the Covenant takes shape.

The response offers collective insights on the key points that came through most strongly during CVSs discussions with local and grassroots organisations. It aims to supplement CVSs individual responses rather than replace them, but recognises that this is a distinct group with an unmatched reach into London’s communities. 

The London CVS Network supports and represents over 21,000 of London’s charities and community groups. It is therefore positioned offer a unique London-wide perspective.

We also helped share the consultation details, encouraging organisations and people within the voluntary and community sector to input their views.