Briefing session: How to deliver under Covid-19

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London Plus, in partnership with the GLA and colleagues from the London Strategic Coordination Group, hosted the second webinar in our briefing session series. The aim of the session was to help charities and wider civil society in London to plan how to deliver services safely under Covid-19. It covered guidance provided by the GLA, independent advice and commentary from a leading architect and office design company Perkins and Will and a case study from community centre Toynbee Hall.

This session builds on feedback received from the first webinar “Briefing session: Recovery planning for London’s civil society” and through the London Community Response Survey about key concerns facing civil society.

You can watch the full webinar via this link on the London Plus Youtube channel.

Perkins and Will – Natalie Smith

Perkins & Will – Road Map for Return [PDF]

Toynbee Hall – Jim Minton

Toynbee Hall – Our journey to safely reopening community spaces [PDF]

Toynbee Hall staff survey reopening draft template [PDF]

GLA  – Katie hunter

Presentation to come. 

Reopening community centres – Paperless tracking

We didn’t have time to cover this during the session but wanted you to know about this valuable free resource. Time to Spare track and trace helps you keep track of who has visited your space and when, as required under government guidelines. Unlike paper, there’s no sharing of pens, reading strange handwriting, or faffing about with paper forms. Unlike other systems, there’s no app to download, no QR code to scan, and if your visitors are not digitally literate, you can do it all for them.

All the data is stored securely and automatically deleted after 21 days, so you can keep your visitors and their details safe (and GDPR compliant). If a request is made, you can generate a list to share with NHS contact tracers with one search instead of rummaging through the filing cabinet drawers. (Normally £100, for charities and social enterprises this is a free service.)