How can we get more people into trustee roles?

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In this blog we share some thoughts based on a conversation with our very own Chair of Trustees, Sarah Mulley, reflecting on how the sector can get more people into trustee roles.

You can find out more about Sarah and the rest of the London Plus Board on our Trustees page.

Recruiting trustees: why is it so hard?

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) recently released a report on trustee recruitment and retention. One stand-out statistic, taken from their sector-wide survey, uncovered that 85% of survey respondents “found it somewhat difficult or very difficult to fill vacancies on their board.”

The recruitment of trustees is clearly a challenge for charities, but why might this be? 

Of course, there are a variety of factors, but our conversation with Sarah focused on one which is simple, and perhaps easy to fix!

Underestimated value

Charities are full of skilled, passionate people who dedicate their lives to improving the world. There’s no way that ‘just anyone’ can play an important role in the sector. Right?

Well, Sarah thinks this is a common misconception that contributes to the concerning findings in NCVO’s new report. 

Lots of people underestimate the value they could bring as a trustee. While there are some specific board roles that require particular skills (e.g. finance experience for treasurers) most trustee roles do not. Trustee roles are also a great way to develop new skills, and gain new experience of leadership, strategy and organisations.

In truth, almost anyone can bring something to the (Board) table, especially when it’s for a cause they are passionate about. Everyone has their own unique perspective, and different perspectives are essential for effective boards.

For example, lived experience can be incredibly valuable to a charity board – trustees with personal experience of the issues a charity is focused on are often exactly what they need. Lived experience helps charities make informed decisions and improves outcomes for the people they help.

Spread the word

People rule themselves out of trustee roles, when actually they should be ruling themselves in. We should all encourage more people to go for it and join a board of trustees, no matter their background or experience.

A big thank you to Sarah for this important insight!


Find some trustee roles here, and keep an eye on the London Plus job board for similar vacancies.

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