Join us as the London Plus Chair

We are looking for a new Chair to help London Plus' development of a new strategy and support London's charities & community groups.

London Plus May 2022 Newsletter

Our May 2022 newsletter highlights Mental Health Awareness Week and includes sector news, reports, funding and more. 

Social Prescribing: Mental Health and Intersectionality

Fiona Williams from The Ubele Initiative explores the link between social prescribing, mental health and intersectionality.

Food insecurity series: a closer look at London food banks

The third blog in our food insecurity series takes a closer look at the data around the accessibility and distribution of food banks in London.

Building the system in Enfield – Enfield Voluntary Action

Denise Bailey from Enfield Voluntary Action (EVA) outlines their offer for Social Prescribing Link Workers and how they help build local health systems.

London Plus April 2022 Newsletter

Our April 2022 newsletter highlights our Ukraine blog and includes sector news, reports, funding opportunities and more. 

The war in Ukraine: London Plus’s response

In this blog, we outline London Plus’s response to the war in Ukraine, including how we launched our Ukraine support document.

One Westminster: Social Prescribing Link Workers based in the voluntary & community sector

Concia Albert from One Westminster explores the role of social prescribing link workers in the voluntary & community sector (VCS).

Reimagining Social Prescribing: Roundtable Discussions with The Ubele Initiative – Part 3

Tracy Durrant from The Ubele Initiative explores the third of three roundtables on Social Prescribing for Black and Minoritised communities.

Food insecurity series: the risks and how to help

Our blog by Hannah Scott, our Research & Data Analyst, explores food insecurity, food deserts and government policy shaping food poverty in London.